Getting Started with the Halliday Unity SDK


Contact Halliday for more details!

Before getting started below, please contact a Halliday representative ([email protected]) to activate this functionality.


Download the latest .unitypackage from our releases page

To import our SDK, right click on Assets in your Unity Project, select Import Package, and select the .unitypackage you downloaded. Make sure you select all the files and import them. You can now find the HallidayClient in your Plugins folder.

The package comes with a walkthrough script that you can modify and run to use to the SDK.

Note: The Nethereum DLL is included as part of the Unity Package. If you already have it installed, you can deselect these files during installation to avoid conflicts. The SDK was built with Nethereum version 4.15.2+.


Add the HallidayClient script to a GameObject. Call the Initialize() function with your Halliday API key and use the Client's public API function to manage your user's blockchain actions.


The following example shows how to leverage a social-login, non-custodial wallet provider and the Halliday Smart Account SDK to offer a seamless, gas-sponsored user experience for 2 users logged in.

// Get the Halliday Component
hallidayClient = GetComponent<HallidayClient>();

// Initialize the component with your Halliday API  Key
hallidayClient.Initialize("HALLIDAY_API_KEY", BlockchainType.MUMBAI, true);

// Get (or Create if new user) Halliday Smart Account for a given playerId
// If this is a new user, HallidayClient will create a new Halliday Smart Account and return it
// If this is a returning user, HallidayClient will return the existing Halliday Smart Account
Wallet player1Wallet = hallidayClient.getOrCreateHallidayAAWallet(playerId);

// Get Player NFTs
GetAssetsResponse getAssetsResponse = await hallidayClient.getAssets(playerId);

// Get Player ERC-20 and Native Token balances
GetBalancesResponse getBalancesResponse = await hallidayClient.getBalances(playerId);

// Call balanceTransfer to transfer native tokens
var nativeBalanceTransferTxInfo = await hallidayClient.transferBalance(
    from_in_game_player_id: playerId,								// your user's id in your application
    to_in_game_player_id: "other_player_id",				// other user's id in your application
    token_address: null,
    value: "0.025", 																// token value in units of ETH
  	blockchain_type: BlockchainType.MUMBAI,
    sponsor_gas: true

// Call balanceTransfer to transfer erc-20 tokens
var erc20BalanceTransferTxInfo = await hallidayClient.transferBalance(
    from_in_game_player_id: playerId,								// your user's id in your application
    to_in_game_player_id: "other_player_id",				// other user's id in your application
    token_address: test_erc20_contract_address,
    value: "1000", blockchain_type:
    sponsor_gas: false

// Send NFT
var transferAssetTxInfo = await hallidayClient.transferAsset(
    from_in_game_player_id: playerId,								// your user's id in your application
    to_in_game_player_id: "other_player_id",				// other user's id in your application
    collection_address: test_erc721_contract_address,
    token_id: test_erc721_token_id.ToString(),
    blockchain_type: BlockchainType.MUMBAI,
    sponsor_gas: true

// Make Contract Call (upload ABI as JSON and encode function data)
// Numerical (i.e uint256) values must be defined as integer types when creating callContract calldata
BigInteger test_transfer_amount = 1000;
string player1Address = player1Wallet.account_address;

// Custom ERC 20 Transfer (similar to before except constructed manually)
// Import ABI as a Json and specify your target contract address
var web3 = new Web3();
var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, test_erc20_contract_address);
var function = contract.GetFunction("transfer");

// Specify parameters according to abi function signature
var calldata = function.GetData(new object[] { player1Address, test_transfer_amount });

var callContractTxInfo = await hallidayClient.callContract(
    from_in_game_player_id: playerId,								// your user's id in your application
    target_address: test_erc20_contract_address,
    calldata: calldata,
    value: "1000",
    blockchain_type: BlockchainType.MUMBAI,
    sponsor_gas: true

Notes on Walkthrough

  • To build the walkthrough, add the Walkthrough script to your game object and run the game (HallidayClient script will automatically be added as it's a dependency)
  • Before running the walkthrough, specify the player ids wherever INSERT_PLAYER_ID is specified
  • The walkthrough will open 2 login screens (one login for Player 1, then logout, then another login for Player 2)
  • After you get the player accounts, send MATIC, Aave (or another ERC20 token), and NFTs to their addresses so you can test the transfer functions or your custom calls
  • Replace the required addresses wherever INSERT_HEX_ADDRESS is specified

Notes on General Usage

  • To enable current user management, you can build a singleton class on top of this component and expose the hallidayClient as a static instance