
Call this function to get the current token balances (erc20 and native token) for the user across all chains.

Example Usage

 * Returns the player's ERC20s.
const getBalancesResponse = await hallidayClient.getBalances(userInGameId)


userInAppIdstringUser's id in your application (must be unique)


Promise to a GetWalletResponse object.

num_erc20_tokensnumberNumber of different erc20 tokens in user's wallet
erc20_tokensArray of ERC-20 Token DataDetails of erc20 tokens owned by user
num_native_tokensnumberNumber of different native tokens in user's wallet
native_tokensArray of Native token DataDetails of native tokens owned by user

ERC-20 Token Data Format

blockchain_typestringBlockchain this token exists on
token_addressstringContract address of this token
balancestringQuantity of this token in user's wallet
decimalsnumberNumber of decimals used in balance (i.e 18 for wei)

Native Token Data Format

blockchain_typestringBlockchain this token exists on
balancestringQuantity of this token in user's wallet
decimalsnumberNumber of decimals used in balance (i.e 18 for wei)