Test Anychain Onramp

Test your on-ramp integration

Testing the Anychain Onramp in Sandbox

The sandbox flow is similar to that of the production except for two things, price quotes and MoonPay KYC. The price given in the sandbox environment is fixed to a small amount because Halliday is airdropping crypto from a testnet to the user to execute the onramp flow. If the user does not have an existing MoonPay account, they will have to complete the mocked KYC process. This will NOT require a valid SSN or credit card, however they will have to provide a valid email and phone number to get past security checks.

Please use these values for testing.

KYC RequirementMock Value
Credit Card Number4242 4242 4242
Credit Card Expiration08/30

Install the Anychain Onramp

To use the Anychain onramp, install the Halliday SDK.

npm install halliday-sdk


yarn add halliday-sdk

The Anychain Onramp SDK will open a popup in which you can input the desired amount of funds to onramp. Since this is a test version, you will be acquiring Halliday Test Tokens (a test ERC-20 token) with a test credit card. NOTE: you will not be billed for this test on-ramp transaction.

To add this to your application, you only need to integrate the Anychain Onramp button and enable the testing mode by setting a sandbox boolean to true. This is shown below:

import { openHallidayOnramp } from "halliday-sdk";

// openHallidayOnramp will open a popup that begins the onramp flow.
// Customize the button to match your game's aesthetic.
  onClick={() => {
      undefined, // optional in_game_player_id
      true // set sandbox boolean to be true to ensure the on-ramp is in test mode
  Onramp with Halliday

Best Practices when Testing MoonPay

MoonPay has several security features in place to detect and prevent fraud; given the nature of testing, it is possible some activities may be incorrectly tagged as fraudulent. To that end, we recommend you follow these best practices as you test your Anychain Onramp integration:

  • Users must not share MoonPay accounts or devices in production.
  • Fraud alerts / issues may occur if Moonpay suspects a user has multiple Moonpay accounts; please keep this in mind to the extent any testers already have a preexisting Moonpay account. Ensure that each tester uses a unique identifier (email, phone number, etc.) that has not been previously associated with MoonPay. This helps to avoid flags related to duplicate accounts.
  • Avoid credit cards. Use debit cards when completing purchases.
  • Sandbox testing may have outdated code, so it is possible the same bugs won’t be found in production. When testing in sandbox, you’re allowed to create multiple accounts with completely made up KYC data. Additional sandbox specific testing guidelines can be found here.
  • Do not use test cards in production or it will result in your account automatically getting blocked.
  • Do not use the same MoonPay account across sandbox and production environments or your account will get automatically blocked.