Onramp to EOA Quickstart

Looking for how to onramp to the Halliday Appchain Wallet? Check out the Onramp to Appchain Wallet Quickstart!

The Halliday Anychain Onramp allows you to onramp fiat currency to any token, on any chain, with a single click. We do this in a fully self-custodial manner, allowing us to operate in almost every jurisdiction in the world, including the United States. That means your users will always have access to their funds, and Halliday can never access them.

We partner with onramp providers like Moonpay to get users to a supported onramp token, and then fully automate bridging and swapping on the user's behalf to get to the desired token.

Our Anychain Onramp comes natively integrated within the Appchain Wallet, but can also be easily leveraged without needing to fully integrate our Accounts. For example, by following the steps below you will be able to onramp directly to a user's Metamask, by simply adding our widget to your website or application.

For more information and resources about our Anychain Onramp, please visit our Anychain Onramp section

Step One: Contact a Halliday representative

If we do not already onramp to your token, we can do so very quickly. Simply get in touch with us and share which token you'd like support for, as well as any preferred bridges and/or exchanges you'd like us to leverage.

Step Two: Obtain API Keys

If you haven't already, please do so by following the steps here!

Step Three: Integrate!

First, install the Halliday SDK:

npm install halliday-sdk
yarn add halliday-sdk

Once you've done that, integrating the Halliday Onramp button onto your website or application is as simple as a few lines of code:

import { openHallidayOnrampToEOA } from "halliday-sdk";

// openHallidayOnrampToEOA will open a popup that begins the onramp flow.
// Customize the button to match your site's aesthetic.
  onClick={() => {
      destinationBlockchainType: "DFK",
      destinationCryptoType: "JEWEL_DFK",
  Onramp with Halliday

And that's it! You've just made it easier than ever for users to monetize on your site.