External Wallets and Custom Signers

Halliday's SDK offers seamless integration for your existing wallets. You can pass in any non-custodial provider and it will be seemlessly integrated with our Smart Accounts.


Smart Account VS External Wallet

When you integrate an external wallet with Halliday, your external wallet address is cryptographically mapped to a unique Smart Account address. The Smart Account is an ERC-4337 Smart Contract, where your external wallet is the sole authority on approving transactions that are sent from the Smart Account. The Smart Account is responsible for initiating transactions and securely storing your assets and tokens. All transactions made by the Smart Account must be approved from your external wallet before appearing on chain. Our SDK abstracts away the cryptographic authorization complexity behind this process, and allows you to conveniently use your existing wallet to authorize transactions through the Halliday Smart Account.

Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions for more background on Wallets and Signers, and technicalities of how your external wallet is integrated with our Smart Accounts.

Every external wallet possesses the ability to cryptographically sign transactions and messages. This functionality is what is known as a signer. Many popular Web3 libraries, such as ethers.js, allow you to access that signer behind the wallet with minimal additional code. By passing that signer to the HallidayViaSigner client, you will be able to authenticate and approve transactions made from your Halliday Smart Account with that signer. Below, we will walk you through how to integrate your existing wallet with the Halliday SDK to fully manage your Halliday Smart Account.

Initialize the Halliday SDK with an External Signer

To connect your existing wallet and signer to your Halliday Smart Account, first install halliday-sdk:

npm install halliday-sdk


yarn add halliday-sdk

Below is an example of how to retrieve the signer with ethers.js from a wallet and how to use it to instantiate our SDK:

// To install ethers.js, run 'npm install ethers'
import ethers from "ethers";
import {HallidayViaSigner, BlockchainType} from "halliday-sdk";

// Create a random wallet with ethers.js, a popular Web3 library
const wallet = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();

// Get the signer for the wallet
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider();   // Replace with your RPC provider 
const signer = wallet.connect(provider);

// Initialize the Halliday client with the signer
const hallidayClient = new HallidayViaSigner({
  hallidayPublicApiKey: "API_KEY",
  signer: signer,
  blockchainType: BlockchainType.DFK,           // Specifying blockchainType is optional - defaults to Mumbai
  sandbox: true                                 // Optional argument. If true, makes the SDK interact with your test environment

// To get or create the Halliday Smart Account, call getOrCreateHallidayAAWallet. 
// This will get the user's smart account for the blockchain you specified in the constructor.
const userInGameId = "user_in_game_id";         // The user's id in your application. Must be unique for each user.
const hallidayAccount = await hallidayClient.getOrCreateHallidayAAWallet(
  "[email protected]"
const hallidayAccountAddress = hallidayAccount.account_address;

// Log out!
await hallidayClient.logOut();