Frequently Asked Questions


What is commerce automation?

Our service is designed to streamline the process for users entering the Web3 space, making it more accessible and less intimidating. By minimizing complexity and simplifying navigation, we've removed the challenges typically associated with obtaining cryptocurrencies, especially on modular chains.

Depending on the chain you are building on, traditional onramp providers may not be able to access liquidity, leaving your players to figure out how to get the correct token on your chain themselves. Furthermore, the intricacies of navigating bridging, swapping, gas, nonce, and transaction management create massive friction for users. Halliday replaces these arbitrarily complex processes with a single interaction.

Our service offers seamless interoperability across different blockchain networks, ensuring users can easily onboard into various ecosystems without laborious manual processes and myriad signature request pop-ups. This interchain functionality allows for more fluid movement of assets and a truly integrated user experience for Web3 payments. In addition, you can check all of your users' commerce history through our dashboard page.

Whether your users are seasoned crypto enthusiasts, or blockchain novices, Halliday makes their experience more efficient, more pleasant, and more robust.


How can my users onramp from fiat?

Our onramp service is designed to integrate effortlessly with your existing blockchain applications, providing fast, secure, and reliable onramping from fiat currencies.

To integrate the onramp service into your application, please use our Commerce Widget.


How can my users pay with crypto held in their wallets?

Our cross-chain swaps service is designed to integrate effortlessly with your existing blockchain applications, providing fast, secure, and reliable swaps for crypto holders.

To integrate the cross-chain swaps service into your application, there are two main options:

What are the use cases for cross-chain swaps?

With cross-chain swaps your users can effortlessly bridge and swap into YOUR token from any chain. Our service routes between numerous onchain protocols for low latency and enhanced transaction speed.

This feature is ideal for users looking to acquire YOUR token, or to consolidate their assets on a preferred network.


How can my users pay with assets from their brokerage or exchange?

Our exchange service is designed to integrate effortlessly with your existing blockchain applications, providing fast, secure, and reliable onramping from brokerage or exchange accounts.

To integrate the exchange service into your application, please use our Commerce Widget.

What if the user does not have enough of the desired token in their exchange account to afford the transfer?

The exchange service supports two methods of supplementing the user's balance:

  • The user can spend any 'buying power' available in the exchange account to cover the difference
  • The user can use any payment methods they have saved in their exchange account to cover the difference


How can my users offramp to fiat?

Our onramp service is designed to integrate effortlessly with your existing blockchain applications, providing fast, secure, and reliable offramping to fiat currencies.

To integrate the offramp service into your application, please Get In Touch.