Commerce Widget

The Commerce Widget

The Halliday Commerce Widget allows your users to perform onramps, swaps, exchanges and offramps to or from any chain or token with minimal integration effort.

It provides the easiest way to get started with Halliday. This powerful API comes with a feature-rich configuration which is discussed in this document.

If you want more fine-grained control over the user interface, please see the Headless Client.


Once you've installed the Commerce SDK, you can import the commerce widget like so:

import { openHalliday } from '@halliday-sdk/commerce'


The openHalliday function takes in the following configuration options:

apiKeystringYour API key. Visit (opens in a new tab) to create one!
destinationBlockchainTypestringThe blockchain of the target token to receive.
destinationCryptoTypestringThe alias of the target token to receive.
destinationAddress (optional)stringThe token recipient address. Default is the signer address.
getSigner (optional)() => Signer (opens in a new tab)Function returning the embedded wallet signer to sign the authentication message. If not set, prompts user to connect wallet.
services (optional)string[]The services to allow. Each one of "ONRAMP", "SWAP", "EXCHANGE" or "OFFRAMP". Default is all services.
userId (optional)stringYour identifier for the user. Default is the signer address.
useSandbox (optional)booleanWhether to use testnets and the like, or operate for real. If set to true, use a sandbox API key. Default is false.
windowType (optional)stringEither "POPUP" or "EMBED". Default is "POPUP".
targetElementId (optional)stringThe HTML element id to render the embedded iframe inside of. If set, windowType must be "EMBED".
customStyles (optional)objectCustom styles for the widget. See customizing styles.

The meaning of these options and how they are typically used together is described in the sections that follow.

Usage Patterns

Using the wallet connector

Halliday can dialog with your users in order for them to choose a wallet to connect. Our wallet connector offers many options such as MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, Phantom, or Wallet Connect.

When a user opens the popup they will be prompted to connect their wallet. If your application already prompts the user to connect their wallet, see using a connected wallet.

Try out onramping to an external wallet with this button:

import { openHalliday } from "@halliday-sdk/commerce";
    destinationBlockchainType: "ARBITRUM_SEPOLIA",
    destinationCryptoType: "WRAPPED_ETH_ARBITRUM_SEPOLIA",

Using a connected wallet

Halliday allows connecting a wallet that is already connected to your application. With this flow, the user connects their wallet using your application's normal flow. Your application passes a getSigner function that returns the connected wallet signer to the Halliday SDK for authentication.

This offers an enhanced user experience for Web3 applications, since users do not need to re-connect their wallet using the Halliday external wallet popup. If your application does not already have a connected wallet, see using the wallet connector.

Try out onramping to a demo embedded wallet with this button:

Temporary, TEST ONLY, signer address: ⚠ WARNING: The above wallet is in-memory and will dissapear on page-reload. This is just for demonstration purposes.

import { openHalliday } from "@halliday-sdk/commerce";
    destinationBlockchainType: "AVALANCHE_FUJI",
    destinationCryptoType: "TRADERJOE_USDC_AVALANCHE_FUJI",
    getSigner: () => connectedWalletSigner, // The signer for the previously connected wallet

Embedding as an iframe

By default, the commerce widget opens in a separate window or tab. If you would like to embed it in an iframe, you can do so by providing two additional options: windowType and targetElementId.

When using the iframe mode, it will show up as follows:

Temporary, TEST ONLY, signer address: ⚠ WARNING: The above wallet is in-memory and will dissapear on page-reload. This is just for demonstration purposes.

import { openHalliday } from "@halliday-sdk/commerce";
    destinationBlockchainType: "AVALANCHE_FUJI",
    destinationCryptoType: "TRADERJOE_USDC_AVALANCHE_FUJI",
    windowType: "EMBED",           // Enable the embedded iframe mode
    targetElementId: "element-id", // The HTML element id to render the iframe inside of

Note that Stripe does not support the embedded iframe mode, due to restrictions enforced by Stripe.

Customizing styles

Halliday supports setting custom styles on the commerce widget in order to match your application's user interface.

import { openHalliday } from "@halliday-sdk/commerce";
    customStyles: {
     primaryColor: 'black',
     backgroundColor: '#fff',
     borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)',
     textColor: 'green',
     textSecondaryColor: '#fafab9',
     logo: {
      src: '',
      style: {
       height: '20px',
       width: '167px',

The following diagram shows how these values are used:

If you are interested in further customization, please consider using the Headless Client, or speak with us about your needs.